Why Your AC Is Freezing Up and How to Fix It

If you see ice in your AC’s panel, or if the the supply registers feel warm, it’s likely your HVAC unit has frozen up. This can be a headache, especially in the blistering summer heat, but there are a few steps you can take to prevent freezing in the future.

Change your air filter (regularly)

Prevention: We’ve mentioned the importance of changing your air filter regularly to keep you and your family healthy and your home free of allergens. But changing your air filter regularly also reduces the chance that dust, pollutants, and even humidity can settle on your unit’s evaporator coils and freeze.

How to fix it now: First, turn off your AC unit so that it can thaw, melting away the ice. Try leaving it off for a few hours, then turning only the fan on in the unit. While the fan is running, change your filter. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, reach out to McCoy’s for help!

Refrigerant leak

Prevention: Changing the air filter regularly can also eliminate the possibility of debris getting into various mechanical parts of your HVAC unit, including the refrigerant lines. If these lines become blocked, the refrigerant may be stuck in the line, expand, and cool too excessively.

How to fix it now: Noticing the leak is the first step. Search throughout your HVAC unit to determine the cause. While it may be possible to refill the refrigerant, mechanical issues like this are best left to professionals to prevent a more costly bill in the future.

Not-so-smart thermostats

Prevention: Living in a location where there can be a 40-degree difference between night and day can put a lot of strain on your HVAC unit, especially during the summer. You want to ensure you’re setting the temperature differently for night and day, accounting for your HVAC units threshold, which you can find in your user manual. If the temperature falls outside of your threshold, it can cause the HVAC unit to freeze up, especially during the cooler night temperatures.

How to fix it now: The best course of action if you’re tired of changing the thermostat multiple times a day is to purchase a smart thermostat. These will allow you to set various temperatures throughout the day, night, and even if you’re at work or on vacation.


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