Why Outdoor Fresh Air Just Doesn't Work

We’ve all been there: Someone burned dinner. A room needed a new coat of paint. It’s just a nice day outside. There is always a good reason to open doors and windows and allow outdoor, fresh air into our homes and offices – but that doesn’t mean it’s the safest.

Outdoor air works best outdoors

Fresh air feels and smells superb, and the reason is simply because it originates outside. The environment offers a natural system of exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen through plant life, and with the whole sky open for the movement of air, it feels as though you’re always breathing something better.

But the fact is, the air circulating outside is picking up a variety of pollutants, bacteria, and viruses. When these pollutants enter buildings and homes, many central systems simply recycle this air, moving it around the building endlessly.

I want fresh air sometimes – what can I do?

It is normal, human, and advisable to enjoy fresh outdoor air regularly. But having outdoor air constantly circulating in homes and offices is inadvisable and can contribute to both short-term and long-term illnesses, such as allergies or asthma.

Reach out to McCoy’s Heating and Air today for a technician to evaluate the needs of your current system.


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