5 Easy HVAC Maintenance Tips for Summer
The last thing you want as the temperatures rise across the country is to be caught without a working HVAC system. To help you out, we've compiled five of our favorite HVAC maintenance tips to get you through the summer:
Replace the Air Filter
Depending on how often your cooling system gets used, your air filter must be replaced every 1-3 months. But it's a good bet that you never thought about changing the filter at the end of the prior summer, so now's the perfect time to check it and replace it, if needed.
Check the Wiring
It's important to check the wiring of your HVAC system on a regular basis to make sure it continues to work properly and remains safe. Turn off the system and open the access panel. If you notice any wires that look burned or blackened, it's time to call a professional and get them replaced.
Upgrade the Thermostat
We're guessing that your home already has a programmable thermostat, which enables you to schedule when your cooling equipment comes on and helps control energy costs. But now you can pick up a Wi-Fi model and gain access to the thermostat remotely through any internet connection.
Check the Condenser Unit Fan
Since the outside condenser unit is exposed to the elements, the fan can get damaged due to debris that slips through the slits. A damaged fan can cause more severe problems and a lack of proper operation, so if you notice any issues, replace the fan right away.
Clean the Condenser Unit
It doesn't take long before dirt, leaves, grass, and other debris gets into or on top of the outside condenser unit. This will reduce air flow, forcing your system to work harder and costing you more money. Remove whatever debris you can by hand, then switch off the unit and wash it out with a garden hose.